"You Must Be Online" Error

"You Must Be Online" Error

Many great engineers have been brought nearly to their knees by this message, seen in the GUI for a number of Wheatstone products such as Talent Stations and SS8 panels. It sometimes pops up when you try to send a script to the device to make it do what you need it to do. No matter how many times you reboot the device, restart the GUI or attempt to re-send the script, you can’t seem to get past this.

And as you look in all the menus and all the different tabs in the GUI, you can’t find a single word about “online.” The answer to this problem is simple. It’s due to a display bug in the GUI program itself. Yes, we’re going to fix it. But for now, here’s what’s going on so you can get on with the work you need to do.

Take a look at the View menu in your GUI. We’ll use the SSp8 GUI in this example. You’ll see a number of options that determine what panels you see in the GUI. You probably never had a reason to visit this menu, because you want to see all the panels so you can view all the information about the GUI and the connected devices. But at the bottom of this list is an option called
“Stylized.” This changes the overall look of the GUI. It’s kind of like a dark “theme” that makes the GUI look a lot better than the default style. It’s turned on by default.

But the problem is that, with this option turned on, it turns the bottom bar of the GUI black, which causes the word “Online” next to the little checkbox to disappear:

With Stylized turned off (left image above) you can clearly see that the checkbox allows you to go “Online” with the device you have selected above in the device list. If that box is not checked, you can make configuration changes just like normal, in an “offline” mode. You can apply changes as you make them, and they will be put into the device’s script but that script will not be compiled and sent to the device until you go to the Build menu and execute the Compile & Download command. That’s when you will see this error. Unless the troublesome little box is checked.
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