The Wheatstone Scripting & Logic Forum is free for all of our customers. If you use Screenbuilder, or have questions about how to accomplish tasks with Wheatnet logic, check out the forums.
This is a great resource for exchange of ideas. If you have scripting questions, our Tech Support department is here to help, but we are only able to provided limited help with scripting as it’s very much like a programming language that you’ll need to learn mostly on your own. So pose your questions on the Scripting & Logic Forum and you’re likely to get help and suggestions not only from the Wheatstone Experts on our staff, but also from our multitude of customers who love to help people as much as we do.
When you run into a problem that you know could be solved with the right application of logic functions but the method to accomplish your goal is eluding you, try posting it here because if you are running into the issue, someone else has likely already conquered it. And when you do figure it out, post your solution for other users to benefit from.
You’ll need to register to use the forum. We’ll ask you why you want to join and then you’ll need to wait until we review your registration and approve you. This helps cut down on spammers who just want to join every board they can find and spew their junk everywhere.