VoxPro Repair/Return Authorization Information
Any parts or repairs needed for the VoxPro controllers should be handled directly through JL Cooper Electronics, the manufacturer of the controller. Here is their contact information:
JL Cooper Electronics
142 Arena St.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: 310-322-9990
Fax: 310-335-0110

Please note that JL Cooper will not repair controllers that are more than 7 years old.

Wheatstone Exchange Policy: Wheatstone will perform a warranty exchange on a VoxPro controller if notified within 30 days of shipment from either Wheatstone or an authorized reseller if it is an out-of-the-box failure (not including damage from abuse, lightning damage, liquid spills, etc.). Within this 30 day period, please contact Wheatstone technical support via phone or email to arrange the exchange. Once it is beyond the initial 30 days up to the end of the 1 year warranty, please arrange a return with JL Cooper directly.
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