This document explains how to configure bi-directional remote control functions on WheatNet-IP consoles and the WheatNet-IP audio driver.
We'll start in Navigator. In our example, we have configured VoxPro to record and play back from WNIP Audio Channel 1, and we have named the source for the playback "VoxPro." We have routed this source to fader 2 of the console.
If we were to turn on the fader, we'd hear audio, but only if we manually started playback.
Connect VoxPro to the WheatNet-IP System
Now, we will configure VoxPro to turn the fader on when the user starts playing the file. Open VoxPro and log in as Administrator. Go to Settings and select WheatNet Configuration.
The first time you do this, you will be prompted to enter the IP address of a blade so VoxPro can enumerate your network. This can either be a hardware blade or the IP address of a WNIP audio driver. Enter the IP address that the WNIP driver on the VoxPro machine is using.

As you may guess, since you can also tie SLIOs to a hardware blade, you can follow these instructions to use a blade for logic if you are not using a WNIP driver for VoxPro. For example, if you are using the USB input/output of a M4IP-USB blade for VoxPro, you could enter the IP of that blade instead and these same instructions will apply to create VoxPro logic. In WheatNet-IP, SLIOs work the same whether it's a rack mounted blade or a PC Driver blade.
After you type the IP address and click OK, it will set you up to create logic using SLIO "pins" on the selected WNIP Driver blade.
Set Up VoxPro To Transmit Logic
VoxPro distinguishes events which are received from events which are transmitted. We want to transmit a software logic (SLIO) event whenever we start playback. So, click Add under Transmit Events. In the Function drop-down, choose Start. The function will be automatically assigned to the lowest numbered SLIO. In this example, we will use SLIO 1, but you can use any number you wish. Click the OK button after setting the function.
SLIOs are logic messages that travel with the audio wherever it is routed within WheatNet-IP. After all, you can route VoxPro to any fader you want, so whether you put it on fader 2 or 22, when playback starts you want the channel to turn on. So the next step is to go to Navigator and connect that SLIO to a function on the console.

When editing logic signals in Navigator, the source can't be connected to a destination. So before you proceed, make sure the VoxPro source is not routed to any destinations (faders, etc.)
We can get to this one of two ways. Since we were already on the Crosspoint Grid to remove VoxPro from the fader, we can right-click the VoxPro source up top and choose Modify Signal.
Or, from the Driver Blade's sources tab you can highlight the source and click Edit.
Either way, you will get the next window, where you will click on the LIO Info Tab.
Click the Add button on the right.
Highlight Soft LIO 1. Under Direction, click Input. Under Function, choose Remote On. Click the Apply button, then Close, then Finish.
If you route VoxPro back to the fader and press Play on the VoxPro controller, the fader will turn on. Now that we've proven that it works, disconnect VoxPro from the fader and let's set up the Remote Off message:
In VoxPro, Click Add under Transmit Events, choose function Stop and SLIO 2.
Click Ok on the Stop line, then OK to save the changes.
And back in Navigator, we edit the VoxPro source again and go to the LIO Info tab. Add a new line.
Highlight Soft LIO 2. Set Direction to Input. Set Function to Remote Off. Apply. Close. Finish.
When VoxPro is routed to a fader, pressing the stop key on the VoxPro controller will turn the fader off.
Now, let's consider what happens when we hook up start and stop from the other direction - when the talent turns the fader on and wants VoxPro to begin playing the file.
Eliminating Logic Loops

When doing bi-directional starts and stops, it's important to not create a logic loop. On Wheatstone consoles, there is a function to break the loop, so when the Remote On or Remote Off is received we don't send a matching Machine Start/Machine Stop. Before we set up the logic for Machine Start/Machine Stop in VoxPro, let's make sure that we've prevented logic loops at the console.
Preventing Logic Loops On LXE
Open the Setup GUI and Connect to the console. Go to User Options.
Under Machine Start/Stop, you will want "Send When Channel on/off via LIO" and "Send when Channel on/off via ACI" unchecked. Apply to save changes.
While you're in the LXE GUI, make sure that Machine Starts are set for Pulsed.
If you haven't already set this up for the Default source, add a VDIP for VoxPro and set it to Mach Start Pulsed.
Preventing Logic Loops on GSX
Open the Setup GUI Connect to the console. Go to User Options.
Under Machine Start/Stop, you will want "Send When Channel on/off via LIO" and "Send when Channel on/off via ACI" unchecked. Apply to save changes.
While you're in the GSX GUI, go to VDIPS and make sure that LIO Machine Starts are set for pulsed.
If this isn't already set up on your default source, add a VDIP for VoxPro and turn on Mach Start Pulsed.
Preventing Logic Loops on IP12/IP16
Open the Setup GUI and Connect to the console.
Under Machine Logic, check the No LIO with RMT box. Apply.
While you're in the IP Console GUI, let's make sure that Machine Starts are set for Pulsed. Go to the VDIPS tab.
If you didn't set Mach Start Pulsed for the default source already, add a VDIP for VoxPro and turn on Mach Start Pulsed.
Preventing Logic Loops on the L8/L12/L16
Open the Setup GUI and Connect to the console.
Under Machine Logic, check the No LIO with RMT box. Apply.
While you're in the L8/L12/L16 GUI, let's make sure that the Machine Starts are set to pulsed. Go to the VDIPS tab.
If Mach Start Pulsed isn't already set for the default source, add a VDIP for VoxPro and turn the Mach Start Pulsed feature on.
Preventing Logic Loops on E-Series consoles (also LX-24)
On the console GUI screen, click the Options tab,select VDIP Settings from the available options, and ensure that Machine Start Pulsed is checked. Click Apply. Then select Misc Options from the available options, and ensure that the
Machine Logic machine start/stop setting is set to No DIO w/ACI or No DIO w/ACI or RMT. (At present we are only concerned with ACI signals, so either setting will work.) Click Apply again.
We've done all of our preparations, now back to setting up the logic in VoxPro.
Set up VoxPro to Receive Logic
Back in VoxPro at the WheatNet Configuration window, let's click Add under Receive Events
You'll notice that it automatically adds the next available SLIO number (and you can pick whatever you'd like). You'll also notice you have a lot of options.
You're going to want one of the first two. You'll probably want to talk to your on-air talent before you pick one, because chances are they want it to work like the last studio they worked in (and there may be differences of opinion among the air staff), so find out which one people can agree upon. Or just pick one if your talent can't agree on anything. (We're radio people. We've been there.) The options:
Play from Beginning - Starts playback from the beginning of the cut. This way if they forget to cue it up (or they're editing down to the last possible second before the song ends), when they turn the fader on, the call plays from the beginning every time.
Play from Cue - The modern day equivalent to hitting play on a reel to reel deck. Wherever the tape was last, that's where you're starting from when you turn the fader on.
Once you've made your decision, click Ok on the line next to Function. Then click Add again, and we'll set SLIO 4 up for Stop. Don't forget the OK button next to Function. Click OK at the bottom to save.
Now we go back to Navigator and edit the VoxPro source again.

Don't forget, the VoxPro source can't be routed to any destinations (faders) while you do this next edit.
After you choose Modify Signal (from the crosspoint grid) or Edit (from the source tab), go to LIO Info. Click Add.
Highlight Soft LIO 3 and set the Direction to Output. Set the Function to Machine Start. Click Apply. Click Close.
Click Add again.
Highlight Soft LIO 4 and set the Direction to Output. Set the Function to Machine Stop. Click Apply. Click Close.
Click Finish.

Don't forget to route the VoxPro source back to the fader on the console.
Congratulations, you've just set up bi-directional starts and stops on VoxPro and you never touched a soldering iron or crimp tool.
Thanks for using Wheatstone and VoxPro!