Applies to: DMX, IP-12, IP-16, L-8, L-12, L-16
These are the internal system crosspoints that are set up by default when you first install your console. They create the necessary outputs for the program busses as well as the cue and headphone streams. If you are having problems with any of these signals, check the default crosspoints. These should normally be locked.
If you change the routing to these defaults, even if you lock the signal the default routes will ALWAYS be restored on boot unless the feature is turned off.
For example, if you want to repurpose one of the PGMB/PGMC/PGMD outputs on the console blade and route something else there, the blade routes will change to the defaults anytime the console boots until you uncheck the feature and apply it to the console.
This is the setting you need to adjust in the Console Setup GUI:
With the Setup GUI connected to the console, uncheck the "Use default signal mapping" box and click Apply.