The Wheatnet-IP Meter App

The Wheatnet-IP Meter App

What is the Meter App?

The IP Meters software for Wheatnet-IP gives you a fully customizable and nearly limitless display of meters from your Wheatnet system including but not limited to audio peak levels, average levels, signal density, FFT graphs, etc. The display GUI when configured is best described as a “Wall of Meters” that presents any signal in a variety of possible ways. At a glance a user can identify if audio is present in studios, out of automation machines, off air tuners, or even specific microphones if the designer so chooses.

What do I need to know?

The Meters app requires a way to communicate with the Wheatnet-IP system. Therefore, it must have an entry in the Peripheral Devices Tab in Navigator to create a “proxy” connection for the app so you can build signal lists to in turn build the meters screen. It uses a TCP/IP connection on port 60021. Once the Meter app is added in Navigator, in the app a Host Blade must be defined to be the same blade that was set as the host blade in Navigator.

The Meter app should always be run with administrator rights. It won’t remember changes to its scan results if it is not an administrator.

To set it to run as an administrator:

1. Close the Meter app.
2. Locate the Meter app executable file or its shortcut icon.
3. Right-click on the filename or icon and select Properties from the context menu.
4. Select the Compatibility tab
5. Under Privilege Level checkmark “Run this program as an administrator”
6. Click Apply and OK to close the pop-up window

The Meter App is summarized in Appendix 6 of the Blade manual.
Download the manual HERE


Q. The app seems to be working but no matter what source I select for the analysis window it tells me that the source take fails and then reverts to no source. How can I fix this?

A. There are three typical causes for this:

1. The Meters app must be “Run as administrator.” You can do that by right-clicking its desktop icon then Select Run as administrator. You can alternately right-click on the icon and select Properties then view the Compatibility tab and check “Run this program as an administrator” so you don’t have to always right-click on the desktop icon.

2. The NIC connected to the WNIP system must be set to allow the app thru the Windows firewall, or just turn off Windows firewall for that NIC.

3. Did you add the Meters app PC as a Third-party device in the Peripheral Devices window in Navigator and set a Host Blade? Also, once it’s added to the Peripheral Devices tab, you may also need to reboot the Host Blade to force it to begin sending data to the Meters app.

Q. I have the meters app running on several PC. Is there a config file I can copy to the other PCs so I don’t have to keep recreating the 40 meter screens?

A. On a PC that has the meter app configured the way you want it, locate this file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Wheatstone\MeterMonitor\win7-install.wnmtr

This is an XML format file that contains the configuration currently in use on the meter app on that PC. Note that this file is updated when the application is being closed, so verify the app is configured exactly the way you want and then close the app. Copy that file and paste it to the same folder on the other PCs. Note that the MeterMonitor directory will not exist unless the app is installed on the PC.

Also note that the path listed is for a 64-bit PC. If the PC is still running a 32-bit version of Windows then the file path is:
C:\Program Files\Wheatstone\MeterMonitor\win7-install.wnmtr

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