Stagebox Manual/Quick Start Guide

Stagebox Manual/Quick Start Guide

Stagebox Quick Start Guide

Important Note

The Stagebox is considered a "micro blade" in the WheatNet-IP system. Micro Blades like the Stagebox do not generate the WheatNet-IP metronome; they only follow it.

Stageboxes cannot be the only devices in the system, and Stageboxes cannot serve as Clock Master; they must always follow the metronome generated by a Clock Master Blade in the system.

If you are using external sync to rate lock the WheatNet-IP system to your house clock/embedded video equipment, the AES silence sync signal must be connected to a digital input on a Blade, not a Stagebox.

You will notice on the Blade Admin tab that the Clock Master Preference is set very low to 5. Do not change this setting, as we don't want the Stagebox to try to become Clock Master since it is unable to generate a metronome.

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