WheatNet-IP Micro Blades Cannot Become Clock Master

WheatNet-IP Micro Blades Cannot Become Clock Master

The WheatNet-IP Micro Blade, which is the WheatNet-IP card built into the Tieline Gateway, Eventide BD600W+, and Wheatstone Stagebox, is designed to only follow the WheatNet-IP metronome generated by the Clock Master Blade. It is not capable of generating clock so it cannot be Clock Master.

These devices will automatically select a blade in the system to serve as a host and funnel its multicast traffic through that host. This is done entirely in the background, and no setup is required by the user.

While the Stagebox has digital inputs, input 8 on the Stagebox cannot be used as the external sync input for the WheatNet-IP system because the device can only follow, not lead. If you need to lock the WNIP metronome to a house clock (for example, you need to lock WNIP to your embedded video equipment) you must connect AES Silence from the house reference to input 8 of a digital Blade or analog/digital Blade and not a Stagebox.

When planning your system, take care to have some other digital Blade available than the Stagebox to take your reference signal if you need to use external sync, or use a house clock that provides PTP to the WNIP network.

The Stagebox will show a Clock Master Preference on the Blade Admin tab of 5 by default. This setting should not be adjusted so the device will always follow and not try to lead.
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