How To Move XPoint from a Windows XP machine to Windows 7/10/11

How To Move XPoint from a Windows XP machine to Windows 7/10/11

Rather than seek out a new installer and install it on the new PC, we prefer to have the files copied from the old PC whenever possible. This assures that you are using a compatible version of XPoint, since in many cases installing a newer version of XPoint may cause issues that become difficult to trace and troubleshoot. Additionally, by using the files from the old PC on the new one you are sure to have a good copy of your configuration readily available. However, it is important to follow the procedure exactly as described to ensure the desired results.

This procedure assumes that the XP PC is 32-bit and the new Windows PC is 64-bit. This is only a concern with Windows 7 and 10. There is no x32 support for Windows 11.

  1. If Xpoint on the XP PC was installed in the default folder, then that folder should be found at C:\Program Files\Wheatstone\. Copy the entire \Wheatstone\ folder from C:\Program Files\ on the XP PC and paste it on the new PC in C:\Program Files (x86)\
  2. In the \Wheatstone\Xpoint\ folder on the New Win PC, set the executable file (XP.exe) to run as administrator:
    1. right-click on the icon for XP.exe
    2. select Properties from the popup context menu
    3. go to the Compatibility tab
    4. put a check in the box that tells the program to run as administrator
    5. click OK
  3. In the \Wheatstone\Xpoint\ folder on the New Win PC, edit the XP.ini file [Config Dir] path settings to read as follows (see Note 1 below):
    1. ConfigDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Wheatstone\XPoint\cfg\default – see Note 2 belowHowToFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\Wheatstone\XPoint\HowTo.txt

In most cases, Win 7 (and up) will allow you to open and edit the XP.ini file in its normal location, but then will not allow you to save it. So before you start editing the file, copy it to your desktop. Once you have edited and saved the file you can then drag it back to its proper location, making sure that you let it overwrite the file.

The default configuration that Xpoint uses is typically the one shown. However, the user can specify a different location. DO NOT change the actual file location specified in the XP.ini file beyond the insertion of “ (x86)” – without the quotes – after “Program Files” unless you have a good reason to do that and an understanding of why it must be done.

You will most likely want to create a shortcut on your desktop to easily start the program.

If you follow these instructions carefully you should end up with a working version of XPoint that has proper read and write access to the configuration files.

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