In a Wheatstone TDM system, anything with an IP address needs to have a unique address on a common subnet. The default TDM subnet is, but you don’t have to stay with that subnet. If you do change to use another subnet, you’ll need to change the IP addressing of all your Wheatstone equipment since everything must now use an address within the new subnet. Here’s an overview of the main TDM components:
• Tier 1— This can either be a Bridge rack with one or two CPU cards,
or it may be one or two WheatNet hubs, so Tier 1 will always have
either 1 or 2 IP addresses with the Tier 1 addresses set by that
_NET.TXT file (for Bridge and WheatNet CPU config files, the
filename is XP_NET.TXT). This file is saved on the device. In very
early systems a DOS configuration program was used instead of a text
file. If Tier 1 has two CPUs or two hubs, then there will be a primary
and a backup address. Both must be changed to the new subnet. The
network settings files are accessed via FTP to the device in question
and are editable using Windows Notepad. Instructions for changing these
addresses are included in the Bridge and WheatNet manuals.
• Other Tiers—Other Tiers will have CPU addresses only if they have
CPU cards in them. Any of these cards can have their IP addresses
changed by the FTP process using the information found in the Bridge and
WheatNet manuals.
• Control Surfaces—Control surfaces will have one or two CPUs each.
They will also have device_NET.TXT files. The E-6 Surface CPU file will
be named E6_NET.TXT. The procedure for editing these to change the IP
is like that used on the Bridge / WheatNet CPUs, and is covered in the
Bridge and WheatNet manuals, and in the specific surface manual.
• XPoint—The XPoint program needs to know the IP addresses of the Bridge/WheatNet CPU primary addresses, and the Surface primary addresses as well. The Bridge manual explains how to change the addresses that XPoint is looking to find CPUs and Surfaces at. Additionally, the PC running XPoint must also have an address on the common TDM system subnet.
• XY Controllers—The utility program WSNetServer is used to change XY controller IP addresses