One of the primary sources of audio problems with Wheatstone Blades is blown output chips. The cables you use to connect your blade outputs to other devices are, unfortunately, susceptible to picking up stray currents from a nasty power hit, or a nearbly lightning strike.
The most common indicator (other than that you've lost an output on a Blade) is that a Blade 3 will reboot itself with the blue Wheatstone logo flashing. That is a sign that one or more op-amps has failed and is shorting out the power supply. If you remove the chips and the unit powers up, you've found the trouble. You can then insert the chips individually and power up to see which chip(s) has/have failed and then replace as necessary.
Proper grounding throughout your facility can minimize the possible damage, but if your blade takes a hit, the output chips for Blade-1, Blade-2 and Blade-3 are socketed and user-replaceable. These can be purchased on the Wheatstone Store or from your usual electronics supplier. These are the IC maps that will show you which chip is which.
If you have a Blade-4, please use the Blade-3 document for reference because the rear card in the 3s and 4s is the same.
To align the chip properly, locate the notch in the side of the socket and match the notch with the indentation on the side of the chip.