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Understanding Inputs on the M4IPUSB Blade

A radio engineer writes:

I have an M-4 blade and am trying to use the USB inputs. When I connect my PC to the USB port, the computer finds the USB driver. And, when I play audio on the PC, I can see the audio on the Blade’s front panel meters so I know that audio is getting to the Blade. But when I use Navigator I cannot see any audio on what I think is the USB sources on the blade. Is there some other configuration necessary to get the USB audio into the system.

The USB inputs on an M-4 Blade are labeled: BL00xSUA, BL00xSUB, BL00xSUC, and BL00xSUD where x is the ID nubmer for that Blade. Those the default source names that you should see the audio on in Navigator. These should also be shown on the input meters in Navigator.

When I look at the Sources tab in Navigator, it doesn’t show the input meters for the microphones, it only shows the input meters for the USB inputs. Why?

Because the M4IPUSB is a microphone processor, we placed the input meters and gain controls for the microphones in the M4IP configuration program instead of Navigator. There, you can adjust the input gain, output gain, compression, and equilization and see metering of both the incoming microphone audio as well as the metering of the post-processing output (which is what you are routing to the console).