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How To Move Processing Presets on a M4IPUSB Blade

M4 presets are stored in the M4 memory but they can also be saved to the PC running the M4 GUI, but only if the user chooses to do that. Preset management is explained in the M4 manual starting on page 2-11 so referring to that may help with the following explanation.

The GUI’s Library dialog is where all the preset management happens. When opened, it has two panes:
Left Pane – shows the presets currently in the M4 memory (assuming the GUI is online with an M4).

Right Pane – shows what presets are already saved to that PC.

To get presets off the hardware and into a file, or files, create a new folder under Favorites on the Right Pane. Then drag the presets you want to save from the Left Pane to that Right Pane folder. You can drag them one at a time or highlight a bunch and drag them together.

Once they’re on shown in the Right Pane they are copied to the local PC. They are in the logged on user’s Documents folder under Wheatstone\M4\Presets\Favorites\TheFolderYouCreated. You can save those off to a thumb drive for backup if you’d like.

To get those presets onto a new M4, simply connect to the new M4 with the GUI, open the Library dialog, open the folder you created under Favorites, and drag the presets from the Right Pane to the Left Pane into any open preset slots. Once they’re on the M4 hardware you can take them in the conventional manner.