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Using AES67 Sources On LX-24 Consoles

 :thinking: Problem: Can’t route AES67 stream to LX24 input fader #

When trying to route an AES67 signal, such as from a Telos VX or VXs (cloud-based) phone system, to a fader on an LX24 console, you end up with little red circles instead of the normal crosspoint indication.

:seedling: Solution #

The problem is easily identified if you look at the error bar at the bottom of the Navigator screen. Press the little up arrow at the left of this bar and you will see this notification:

The LX24 was designed to accept .25ms streams (the WNIP default stream size) and 5 ms streams (produced by our AoIP driver). It knows nothing about a 1ms stream (the stream size specified by the AES67 protocol). So the stream is not accepted by the LX-24. Use a utility mixer to get around this problem.

  1. Assume you have two signals (Hybrid 1 and Hybrid 2), route each to an input on a free utility mixer.
  2. Set one signal to be active on the Umixer’s A output and set the other to be active on the B output
  3. Route UMX A and B to the faders on the LX-24. These will be accepted by the surface because the Utility Mixer outputs a .25 ms WNIP stream.